Dawning adventures sparkle, get some rest

It’s very easy for me to be brutally honest about my past for some reason (in my writing, or even talking to strangers)… to a fault I’m told. I’ve been told to watch what I write, to edit things out, take out names, etc (all for good reason). I’ve noticed that…
Is Cacao Better For You Than Caffeine?
Several months ago, I quit drinking caffeine all together. I immediately saw health benefits. I could sleep almost instantly when putting my head to the pillow… And I when I woke up, I wasn’t tired at all. Literally, jumping out of my bed most mornings. Every once in awhile, I do…
Back to the mother, we must journey now
My dad sent me a link to an article this morning, and as a knee jerk reaction, I got a little upset. It was titled “How Weed Became the New OxyContin”. You see, it was an article about how the engineering of cannabis has led to some disturbing incidents lately, related to the…
Go Ask Alice
I read this book in high school (I don’t think it was assigned, but back then I read a lot of books, specifically anything related to drugs). Its title references the Jefferson Airplane song “White Rabbit”, which was another one of my favorites growing up. The book was…
Temple of Entheogens
Speaking of containers… My friend Ty is one of the people that is trying to teach ritual, and ceremony, and tradition (a container if you will) by offering retreats or personal/group ceremonies like the one I went to in Florida, that he facilitated. While I was there at the retreat, it…
Another upswing
Gotta appreciate the good times. Life throws curve balls, and not everything is easy to deal with, despite it being of our own making. One thing I’ve been learning from all this, is how important all the meaningful connections we make with each other. It’s what kept me going…
There’s no container
I was watching this “Talks with Google” episode titled “How to Change Your Mind | Michael Pollan”. What I love about Michael Pollan is how different he is from me in many ways, yet so similar. He’s a writer/journalist and he’s written many New York Times…
Naval Ravikant
There’s another Joe Rogan Experience #1309 and he was interviewing Naval Ravikant in 2019. He’s talking about the shift from sciences to social sciences in universities and how we’re losing out. How politicized everything is, and how you can’t have a conversation…
Love is gravity
I was watching this documentary that Aubrey Marcus has on Youtube called Ayahuasca with The Dragon of the Jungle and it’s really good. Near the end of it, this lady was talking about the universe and the stars which one of my favorite things to learn about and then a guy that was being…
When you build your house
Both Chloe and Haley (my daughters) graduated this week, from 5th grade and 8th grade. Another amazing milestone! Those were rough mornings. Graduation mornings… (they call it “promotion” here). I no longer have a car. I was involved in a collision. So I’ve been…
My friend Ty called me a month or two ago about a retreat he was putting on in Bell, Florida. If you recall, Ty is the one that helped me get off opiates (amongst other things) a couple years ago. That wasn’t an easy task for either of us, and extremely draining. But this experience…
Lenny Bruce is not afraid
I saw Michelle today (my therapist). We met at a park near my house, like we do sometimes, and she asked “the” question. The why question. Was it rebellion? Like, fuck them, I’m going to show them! Did I think I was invincible? And if so, why? Was I trying to prove to…
Hamilton Morris, Russell Brand, and Joe Rogan
I don’t go on social media (Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter). I still have accounts on all of the platforms, I just haven’t logged into them for several months. But one platform I utilize every day is YouTube. There’s so many amazing channels with so much amazing…
Buy the ticket, take the ride…
I quit smoking cannabis over a week ago. This wasn’t something I did on a whim and it hasn’t been easy. But I’m so tired of requiring something external to make me okay. To make me at ease. I’ve been learning how to be okay with just me. And that by far has been the…
The payday loan bubble (part two)
I think I mentioned before that I primarily worked in the UK. I lived in Waunakee, WI but I would work building payday loan sites that were located in the UK. All my traffic and customers/leads were from the UK.